30 SECONDS FOOLPROOF HOMEMADE VEGAN MAYONNAISE #vegan #diet #homemade #vegetarian #easy

30 SECONDS FOOLPROOF HOMEMADE VEGAN MAYONNAISE #vegan #diet #homemade #vegetarian #easy

Call me abnormal, however something that made me kind of pitiful when I chose to cross creature items out of my eating routine was the idea that I'd never find a workable pace until kingdom come. All things considered, eating, as well, obviously.

Yet, particularly MAKING it. Cuz you see, since the time I'd found the secure system for making mayo which I'd imparted to you a couple of years back, I'd generally been energized like a kid on Christmas morning each time I needed to make a crisp cluster. What's more, I'd without a doubt, infrequently let any other person deal with it… regardless of whether they asked, said please extra special please with sugar on top or asked, total with fluttering eyelashes and googly eyes what not. NO. I was the one responsible for making mayo.

So to say the least, I was squashed at the idea of never again having the delight of doing that. In any case, at that point, I found that one could make vegetarian mayonnaise utilizing aquafaba — otherwise known as the juice of canned chickpeas (and different beans) that we for the most part send down the channel — utilizing a fundamentally the same as procedure to the one I'd been utilizing every one of these years.

30 SECONDS FOOLPROOF HOMEMADE VEGAN MAYONNAISE #vegan #diet #homemade #vegetarian #easy

Also try our recipe : TOFISH AND CHIPS #vegetable #chips #cauliflower #dinner #appetizers


  • 1 cup avocado oil, or other neutral tasting oil
  • 3 tbsp aquafaba, from canned chickpeas
  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, or other vinegar of your choice
  • 1/4 tsp salt, I use Himalayan salt
  • pinch cayenne pepper, optional


  • An immersion blender
  • A tall narrow glass jar that’s barely wide enough to accommodate the head of your immersion blender. A 500ml (one pint) wide mouth Mason type jar works wonders for this.


  1. Add the aquafaba, Dijon mustard, vinegar, salt and pepper (if using) to your glass jar and then pour in the oil. Let the ingredients sit for a few seconds, just long enough for the oil and liquid to fully separate.
  2. Insert your immersion blender and push it all the way down until it makes full contact with the bottom of the jar.
  3. Push the power button and let the blender do its job without moving it for about 20 seconds. Almost instantly, the transformation will start to happen: the oil will start to emulsify and turn into this thick and creamy white concoction, slowly climbing all the way to the top of the jar.
  4. After about 20 seconds, the transformation should be pretty much complete, so you can start moving your blender around and up and down just to make sure that every last bit of oil gets well incorporated.
  5. Your vegan mayonnaise is now ready to use; put the lid on and keep it in the refrigerator for up to a few weeks.
Source : bit.ly/2UoR3lU

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